Return-Path: X-Processed-By: Virex 7 on X-Real-To: stagecraftlist [at] X-ListServer: CommuniGate Pro LIST 4.1.8 List-Unsubscribe: List-ID: Message-ID: From: "Stagecraft" Sender: "Stagecraft" To: "Stagecraft" Precedence: list Subject: Stagecraft Digest #54 Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 03:00:09 -0700 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Disposition: inline For info, archives & UNSUBSCRIBE, see --------------------------------------------------- Stagecraft Digest, Issue #54 1. Re: Production Triangle (Good, Fast, Cheap) by "Paul Guncheon" 2. Re: Production Triangle (Good, Fast, Cheap) by Charlie Richmond 3. Re: Production Triangle (Good, Fast, Cheap) by "Delbert Hall" 4. portable staging locale by "neesa" 5. Re: Production Triangle by Loren Schreiber 6. Re: Production Triangle by "Duane Hoberg" 7. Re: portable staging by MPTecDir [at] 8. Philly Truck Southbound ? by IAEG [at] 9. Re: Production Triangle (Good, Fast, Cheap) by CB 10. Cell phone jammer by Eddie Kramer 11. Re: Cell phone jammer by Jerry Durand 12. Re: Cell phone jammer by Dorian Kelly *** Please update the subject line of your reply to use the subject *** line of the message you are replying to! Please only reply to *** one message subject in each reply. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Message-ID: <000501c45c31$21d88f50$0202a8c0 [at] MyLastPC> From: "Paul Guncheon" References: Subject: Re: Production Triangle (Good, Fast, Cheap) Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 00:25:54 -1000 I too have never heard the "pick one" version, but I must say I like it as an indicator of where the client's true intentions lie. In any case, it's been my experience that the saying is not always true. Laters, Paul "There it is again!" Tom recited. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 11:39:11 +0100 (BST) From: Charlie Richmond Subject: Re: Production Triangle (Good, Fast, Cheap) In-Reply-To: Message-ID: References: On Sun, 27 Jun 2004, Paul Guncheon wrote: > I too have never heard the "pick one" version, but I must say I like it as > an indicator of where the client's true intentions lie. I always thought the client's true intentions were to get all three ;-) Charlie + Charlie Richmond - Richmond Sound Design Ltd - Aura Show Control Ltd + + -- + +---- "Performance for the Long Run" ----- "Creativity in Control" ----+ ------------------------------ From: "Delbert Hall" Subject: Re: Production Triangle (Good, Fast, Cheap) Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 08:04:24 -0400 Organization: ETSU Message-ID: <000201c45c3e$e47706b0$6400a8c0 [at] delbert> In-Reply-To: I have always thought of this as an "A + B = C" formula. If you know any two of the variables, then the third one is predetermined. BTW, I first heard the three variables as Quality, Time, and Cost, but I have heard Good, Fast, and Cheap works too. -Delbert -----Original Message----- On Sun, 27 Jun 2004, Paul Guncheon wrote: > I too have never heard the "pick one" version, but I must say I like it as > an indicator of where the client's true intentions lie. I always thought the client's true intentions were to get all three ;-) Charlie ------------------------------ From: "neesa" Subject: portable staging locale Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 08:44:40 -0500 Message-ID: <000201c45c4c$fc957660$0100a8c0 [at] music2> In-Reply-To: Sorry. Forgot to mention the group tours out of Baton Rouge, Louisiana all over the U.S. - but mostly in the south and north east. Thanks, Neesa Hart ------------------------------ Message-Id: < [at]> Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 07:32:14 -0700 From: Loren Schreiber Subject: Re: Production Triangle In-Reply-To: I think Chris suckered y'all in. I'll bet his satirical tongue was firmly in his ironic cheek. "Good, fast, cheap?" You want cheap? Pick me! Loren Schreiber, Director of Technology and Production School of Theatre, Television and Film--San Diego State University ------------------------------ Message-ID: <057901c45c56$92cbf740$0201a8c0 [at]> From: "Duane Hoberg" References: Subject: Re: Production Triangle Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 09:53:56 -0500 I've heard of this triangle. In typical theatrical fashion it is adapted for theatrical use, changing the original to fit a particular need. I enjoy the humor of whomever adapted this for theatre and added pick two. Sounds like a burnout to me if two are attempted.... The original version is a production triangle. Quality (Good), Time (Fast), Resources, being materials and manpower,(Cheap). The premise of the triangle is that each element adjusts to balance changes in the others. If whatever is wanted fast, the cheap and good will need to be adjusted. If whatever is wanted is to be good, the cheap and fast will need to be adjusted. If whatever is wanted is to be cheap, the good and fast will need to be adjusted. By nature of usage, only one leg of the triangle can be chosen as primary motivator. The other two are adjusted to return the triangle to equalateral balance. If two are chosen, say Good and Cheap, the Time to reach the goal is going to be really long. Time as primary, show opens no matter what!, the Cheap will fall by the wayside and the Good will take a hit as well. Fast and Cheap results in nothing Good! Back to lurk mode after finishing putting a Good set that was not Cheap and took a lot of Time (Fast does not seem appropriate in this instance) on stage. Duane Hoberg Technical Director New Theatre Restaurant Overland Park, KS 66212 dhoberg [at] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 12:25:46 -0400 From: MPTecDir [at] Subject: Re: portable staging Message-ID: <56045A0F.7E5F3C4D.00740ECC [at]> CiJuZWVzYSIgPG5lZXNhQG5lZXNhaGFydC5jb20+IHdyaXRlczoKCj4gLi4uLi4uLi4gIGlu IG5lZWQgb2YgcG9ydGFibGUgc3RhZ2luZy4gIEV2ZXJ5dGhpbmcKPiBJJ3ZlIHNlZW4gY29t bWVyY2lhbGx5IHNlZW1zIGFib21pbmFibHkgaGVhdnkuICAuLi4uLi4KPiBhbnl0aGluZyB0 aGF0IHR3byBwZW9wbGUgY291bGQgbW92ZSAuLi4uLi4uLi4KPiBhbHVtaW51bSB0dWJpbmcg Zm9yIHRoZSBmcmFtZXMsIGJ1dCBJJ20gbm90IHN1cmUgYWJvdXQgCj4gZGVja2luZyBtYXRl cmlhbC4KCgpOZWVzYSwKCkZpcnN0LCBhIG1ham9yaXR5IG9mIHRoZSBjb21tZXJjaWFsIHVu aXRzIGFyZSBkZXNpZ25lZCBhbmQgY29uc3RydWN0ZWQgZm9yIGEgZGlmZmVyZW50IHNldCBv ZiBjaXJjdW1zdGFuY2VzIGFuZCB1c2VzIHRoYW4geW91cnMuICBNb3N0IG9mIHRoZW0gYXJl IGRlc2lnbmVkIHRvIGJlIGJ1bGxldCBwcm9vZiwgc3BhbiA4JyBnYXBzIGJldHdlZW4gc3Vw cG9ydHMgYW5kIGNhcnJ5IHRoZSBtYXNzaXZlIGxpdmUgbG9hZHMgdGhhdCBhIGNvbmNlcnQg 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YW4gb2ZmZXIuCgpNaWNoYWVsCgpNaWNoYWVsIFBvd2VycywgVGVjaG5pY2FsIERpcmVjdG9y ClUgTWFzcyBBbWhlcnN0LCBEZXB0IG9mIFRoZWF0cmUKMTEyIEZpbmUgQXJ0cyBDZW50ZXIg V2VzdAoxNTEgUHJlc2lkZW50cyBEcml2ZSBPZmMgMgpBbWhlcnN0LCBNQSAwMTAwMy05MzMx CiAKUGhvbmU6ICA0MTMtNTQ1LTY4MjEKRmF4OiAgICA0MTMtNTc3LTAwMjUKaHR0cDovL3d3 dy51bWFzcy5lZHUvdGhlYXRlci8gCm1mcG93ZXJzQHRoZWF0ZXIudW1hc3MuZWR1Cm1wdGVj ZGlyQGFvbC5jb20K ------------------------------ From: IAEG [at] Message-ID: <1d6.24ee5d93.2e106671 [at]> Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 14:05:37 EDT Subject: Philly Truck Southbound ? any of our Greater Philadelphia area denizens have a truck headed southbound to Florida (or at least CLOSE to Florida ? ) in the next couple of weeks, , I have a small load (two pallets approx.) in the Ardmore area that needs to get to Tampa Bay area, , needless to say, contact me off list, very best, Keith Arsenault President IAEG - International Arts & Entertainment Group Tampa, Florida 813 831 3465 Mr. Arsenault's Office 813 205 0893 Mr. Arsenault's Cellular ------------------------------ Message-Id: < [at]> Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 14:22:40 From: CB Subject: Re: Production Triangle (Good, Fast, Cheap) >I know I'm not the oldest or the most >experienced on the list, but I've heard this for years, all across the >country from many sources and have yet to hear your version. "This is the way we've always done it" would have us usings sticks and rocks to make whatever theatre we had time to after the hunting and gathering were done. I've heard "pick two" as often as you have, and that's the problem I'm trying to address. >Also, it just >doesn't make sense; of course it's possible to have any two of the three >choices. The "Production Triangle" allows you to pick any two of them (Good, >Fast or Cheap) but due to the triangle shape, you can never have the third. I think the triangle shape came about because there were three basics that every decision have in common, and I'm not sure how the single choice or two choices have to do with the sensibility of a triangle, but maybe I'm missing something. Anyhoo, as I said in my previous post, the goal of explaining the production triangle is to let the client know that the basis of each of his decisions affects another of the areas of the 'Production Triangle'. Asking which of these basics is his priority concern DOES make sense. It allows you to... Didja read my post? You CAN explain all of the legs and aloow him ti pick two, but that will only reduce your confusion by a third. For sixty-six and a sixth lesss confusion as to what the goals are, four out of five stagehands prefer one. As I said, you may do what you want, but in my experience, allowing them two preferences confuses them when fast means that they have to spend a lot of money on something that isn't going to be that good. I can guarantee one, another may follow, but the third is right out. And Herrick, the point of having a client pick only one is that you get, imediately, what his focus is. Is it great art ona budget, with no pre-determined finish date? Is it "gotta have it by tuesday no matter what the cost"? Or is it I don't care what it looks like, we only have $200"? Yaeh, you can usually have two, but making them decide what the PRIORITY is lets you know what direction you need to take right away, and as I said, reduces confusion. Now, IF you have a director that knows what he wants, how to get it, and the budget to accomplish what he wants how he wants it, give him two choices. And my resume. Chris "Chris" Babbie Location Sound MON AZ Delete key training and post trimming done by appointment. Rates negotiable, will trade for typing lessons/ADD treatment... ------------------------------ Message-Id: In-Reply-To: References: Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 21:37:16 -0400 From: Eddie Kramer Subject: Cell phone jammer Anyone know if this is for real ? Eddie -- -------------------- Eddie Kramer IATSE #1 Member NEC Panel 15 ------------------------------ Message-Id: < [at] localhost> Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 18:45:37 -0700 From: Jerry Durand Subject: Re: Cell phone jammer In-Reply-To: References: At 06:37 PM 6/27/2004, Eddie Kramer wrote: >Anyone know if this is for real ? > > This things are real (can't speak for that particular company) and they're also illegal in the USA. $11,000 fine for owing one, but last I hear the FCC has never cited anyone (they said they've received zero complaints). ---------- Jerry Durand Durand Interstellar, Inc. 219 Oak Wood Way Los Gatos, California 95032-2523 USA tel: +1 408 356-3886 fax: +1 408 356-4659 web: ------------------------------ Message-Id: In-Reply-To: References: Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 09:01:07 +0100 From: Dorian Kelly Subject: Re: Cell phone jammer >For info, archives & UNSUBSCRIBE, see >--------------------------------------------------- > >At 06:37 PM 6/27/2004, Eddie Kramer wrote: >>Anyone know if this is for real ? >> >> > > >This things are real (can't speak for that particular company) and they're >also illegal in the USA. $11,000 fine for owing one, but last I hear the >FCC has never cited anyone (they said they've received zero complaints). > >Also illegal in the UK under sc 1 of the telecoms act 1949 DKelly ------------------------------ End of Stagecraft Digest #54 ****************************