Return-Path: X-Processed-By: Virex 7 on X-Real-To: stagecraftlist [at] X-ListServer: CommuniGate Pro LIST 4.1.8 List-Unsubscribe: List-ID: Message-ID: From: "Stagecraft" Sender: "Stagecraft" To: "Stagecraft" Precedence: list Subject: Stagecraft Digest #72 Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 03:00:19 -0700 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Disposition: inline For info, archives & UNSUBSCRIBE, see --------------------------------------------------- Stagecraft Digest, Issue #72 1. Re: Cad help by "Michael Banvard" 2. Re: Heat survey by "Terry L. Price" 3. Interstellar Winch Design by "White, Brian" 4. man with a van needed in NYC by "Scott C. Parker" 5. Question about Vendors/Dealers by "Terry L. Price" 6. Looking for a cable sheave by Michael Heinicke 7. Re: Looking for a cable sheave by Bsapsis [at] 8. Re: beating a dead winch... by Jerry Durand 9. Re: movies of stage sets by Marty_Petlock [at] 10. Re: beating a dead winch... by "MARK OBRIEN" 11. Re: movies of stage sets by "Robert G. Anderson" 12. Re: movies w/ opera scenes by Wood Chip-P26398 13. Stacker Lifts by "Kevin Patrick" 14. Re: Heat survey by "Clare Adams" 15. Re: beating a dead winch... by Bsapsis [at] 16. Re: beating a dead winch... by IAEG [at] 17. theater, opera, ballet in film by "Margaret Petrey" 18. Re: Stacker Lifts by "Chad Croteau" *** Please update the subject line of your reply to use the subject *** line of the message you are replying to! Please only reply to *** one message subject in each reply. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Banvard" Subject: Re: Cad help Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 06:50:57 -0500 Organization: Sapsis Rigging Midwest Message-ID: <000d01c46a62$00ef7990$6501a8c0 [at] Gelert> In-Reply-To: I'm sure that others will correct me if I recall incorrectly, but using line thickness is not an efficient way to represent lumber sizes, or anything with a "real" thickness. Using line thickness is only for visual clarity. If you draft a butt joint with two thick lines, trying to represent two pieces of lumber, any dimensioning you try to do will be restricted to the end of each line, as the computer sees it, which is a two dimensional object. Create rectangles (2D) and boxes (3D) with the correct dimensions, and use them as Blocks (Objects in VW). Make a library of them, so that you can refer to a "2x4x12" and "pull it out of stock. Good luck, - Michael. Michael J. Banvard SRI Midwest Saint Louis, Missouri (866) 773-1174 (314) 629-3644 (314) 773-1174 fax ------------------------------ Subject: Re: Heat survey Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 07:46:57 -0500 Message-ID: From: "Terry L. Price" I am at Texas Lutheran University just east of San Antonio and down the road from Hell so it gets very hot during the summer. It is not unusual to have several days/weeks of 98+ temps with high humidity during the summer. We do not operate during the summer season; we usually begin operations with a boot camp for majors around mid-August. We have been trying to get some kind of cooling system since I arrived from the NC mountains - cold mountain streams, cool nights, warm days mid-80's. Now that's living, oh well - on to your questions. We do not have AC or any form of cooling system. We do not do metal work, yet. I am dreading the transition. None, except for noses and lungs - they do help clear the air somewhat. Hope this helps. It certainly helped me to vent a bit. -- Terry Price Department of Dramatic Media Texas Lutheran University 1000 West Court Street CPO #268 Seguin, TX 78155 (830) 372-8191 This message was content scanned for viruses by the TLU McAfee Webshield. ------------------------------ Subject: Interstellar Winch Design Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 07:57:14 -0500 Message-ID: <0B9945FBD68EFC4FA0374DF4201B0C56C45052 [at]> From: "White, Brian" << Instead of a rubber or similar material belt, go back to someone's >comment--maybe a jointed steel tread much like you might find on, say, a >bull dozer or tank. The tread only carries weight where it is supported by >the drum undneath. If there is a separate drive for the second drum, now >the tread only becomes a guide to keep the wire rope straight. > >Would that work? >> > >Maybe. But it would be really loud. Why couldn't it be a steel tread with a rubberized coating? =20 Brian K. White=20 Technical Director=20 Benedicta Art Center=20 College of Saint Benedict=20 37 South College Ave. St. Joseph MN, 56374 320.363.5386 320.363.6097 fax ------------------------------ Message-Id: < [at]> Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 09:15:39 -0400 From: "Scott C. Parker" Subject: man with a van needed in NYC In-Reply-To: References: I have to move my office/tools from mid-Brooklyn to downtown Manhattan and I'm looking for a reliable person/mover. Anyone have a good personal recommendation to share? I'm happy to use off duty crew if they have access to a van or small truck. The catch is that it's easiest to unload after 6pm. Please contact me off-list. Thanks, Scott Scott C. Parker Production Designer/Technical Director High School Tech Production Web Site High Schoolers: come visit the HS Tech Web Site... Our Mission: To assist High School Technical Theater students in their desire to learn about, create, and execute theatrical productions. ------------------------------ Subject: Question about Vendors/Dealers Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 08:50:51 -0500 Message-ID: From: "Terry L. Price" QSBxdWVzdGlvbiBmb3IgdGhlIGFzc2VtYmxlZCBtYXNzZXMsIGVzcGVjaWFsbHkgdGhvc2UgYXNz ZW1ibGVkIC0gb3IgbHlpbmcgYXJvdW5kIGluIHBpZWNlcyAtIGluIFRleGFzIGFuZCB0aGUgc3Vy cm91bmRpbmcgcmVnaW9uLgoKKEkgcmVhbGl6ZSB0aGF0IGl0IGNhbiBiZSBkaWNleSB0byBkaXNj dXNzIGEgY29tcGFueSBpbiBhIHB1YmxpYyBmb3J1bSBzdWNoIGFzIHRoaXMgd2l0aG91dCB0aGVp ciBiZWluZyBhYmxlIHRvIGRlZmVuZCB0aGVtc2VsdmVzIC0gb25lIHBlcnNvbpJzIGV4cGVyaWVu Y2Ugd2l0aCBhIGNvbXBhbnkgaXMgZGlmZmVyZW50IGZyb20gYW5vdGhlcpJzLiBXaXRoIHRoYXQg aW4gbWluZCwgaWYgeW91IGhhdmUgZXhwZXJpZW5jZSB3aXRoIHNvdW5kIGFuZC9vciBsaWdodGlu ZyBjb21wYW5pZXMgaW4gdGhlIFRleGFzIHJlZ2lvbiBhbmQgYXJlIHdpbGxpbmcsIEkgd291bGQg YXBwcmVjaWF0ZSB5b3VyIGlucHV0LikKCldlIGFyZSBzZWxlY3RpbmcgdmVuZG9ycyB0byByZW5v dmF0ZSB0aGUgc291bmQgc3lzdGVtIGluIG9uZSBvZiBvdXIgcGVyZm9ybWFuY2Ugc3BhY2VzLiBJ dCBpcyBhIGdlbmVyYWwgdXNlIGF1ZGl0b3JpdW0gc2VhdGluZyBhcm91bmQgMTIwMDsgd2UgbW91 bnQgc29tZSB0aGVhdHJlIHBlcmZvcm1hbmNlcyB0aGVyZSBhcyB3ZWxsLiBUaGUgZXN0aW1hdGVk IHByb2plY3QgY29zdCBpcyBhcm91bmQgJDEwMCwwMDAuIE9uZSBvZiB0aGUgdmVuZG9ycyB1bmRl ciBjb25zaWRlcmF0aW9uIGlzIFNhbiBBbnRvbmlvIFNvdW5kIGFuZCBMaWdodC4gSSBoYXZlIG5v IGV4cGVyaWVuY2Ugd2l0aCB0aGlzIGNvbXBhbnkgYW5kIGhhZCBub3QgaGVhcmQgb2YgdGhlbSB1 bnRpbCB3ZSBzdGFydGVkIHRoaXMgcmVub3ZhdGlvbiBwcm9qZWN0LiBJIGhhdmUgZG9uZSBhIGJp dCBvZiByZXNlYXJjaCBidXQgSSBoYXZlIG5vdCBiZWVuIGFibGUgdG8gZmluZCBtdWNoIGluZm9y bWF0aW9uIGFib3V0IHRoZW0uIElmIHlvdSBoYXZlIHNwZWNpZmljIGRldGFpbHMgcmVnYXJkaW5n IHRoZSBxdWFsaXR5IG9mIHRoZWlyIHdvcmsgliBnb29kIG9yIGJhZCwgcGxlYXNlIGNvbnRhY3Qg bWUgZWl0aGVyIG9uIG9yIG9mZiBsaXN0LgoKQWdhaW4sIEkgcmVhbGl6ZSB0aGlzIGlzIHBsYWNp bmcgdGhlIGNvbXBhbnkgYW5kIHlvdSBpbiBhIGRpZmZpY3VsdCBwb3NpdGlvbjsgaG93ZXZlciwg dGhpcyBpcyBhIG1ham9yIHJlbm92YXRpb24gcHJvamVjdCB0aGF0IG5lZWRzIHRvIGxhc3QgYXQg bGVhc3QgMTAgeWVhcnMuIFNlbGVjdGluZyB0aGUgcmlnaHQgdmVuZG9yIGlzIGNyaXRpY2FsLiBX ZSBuZWVkIGEgcmVsaWFibGUgY29tcGFueSB3aG8gd2lsbCBiZSBhYmxlIHRvIG1haW50YWluIHRo ZWlyIHdvcmsgd2VsbCBpbnRvIHRoZSBmdXR1cmUuIEFueSBmZWVkYmFjayBpcyBhcHByZWNpYXRl ZC4KCihXb3csIEkgaGF2ZSBsdXJrZWQgb24gdGhpcyBsaXN0IGZvciBvdmVyIDEwIHllYXJzIGFu ZCBub3cgdHdvIHBvc3RzIHRoZSBzYW1lIGRheSCWIG11c3QgYmUgdGhlIGhlYXQuKQoKVGVycnkg UHJpY2UKVGV4YXMgTHV0aGVyYW4gVW5pdmVyc2l0eQpEZXBhcnRtZW50IG9mIERyYW1hdGljIE1l ZGlhCjEwMDAgV2VzdCBDb3VydCBTdHJlZXQKQ1BPICMyNjgKU2VndWluLCBUWCA3ODE1NQooODMw KSAzNzItODE5MQoKCgpUaGlzIG1lc3NhZ2Ugd2FzIGNvbnRlbnQgc2Nhbm5lZCBmb3IgdmlydXNl cyBieSB0aGUgVExVIE1jQWZlZSBXZWJzaGllbGQuCg== ------------------------------ Message-ID: <20040715155249.32365.qmail [at]> Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 08:52:49 -0700 (PDT) From: Michael Heinicke Subject: Looking for a cable sheave In-Reply-To: Can anyone suggest a supplier for sheaves for electrical cable? I need something for speaker cables to run over for a movable speaker cluster. I've looked in McMaster-Carr, and haven't found anything specifically for electrical cables. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks, Mike H ------------------------------ From: Bsapsis [at] Message-ID: <6b.2e414828.2e280497 [at]> Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 12:02:31 EDT Subject: Re: Looking for a cable sheave In a message dated 7/15/04 11:58:57 AM, mheinicke [at] writes: << Can anyone suggest a supplier for sheaves for electrical cable? I need something for speaker cables to run over for a movable speaker cluster. I've looked in McMaster-Carr, and haven't found anything specifically for electrical cables. Any suggestions are appreciated. >> We have a Nylatron sheave grooved for 3/4" rope. It's commonly used for this purpose. Zat help? Bill S. Sapsis Rigging, Inc. 800.727.7471 800.292.3851 fax 267.278.4561 mobile We stand behind, and under, our work. ------------------------------ Message-Id: < [at] localhost> Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 09:24:46 -0700 From: Jerry Durand Subject: Re: beating a dead winch... One last (I hope) thought popped into my head on the narrow winch idea. Use a stack-up pulley with a steel tape instead of the Kevlar tape (like a big tape measure). Rolls up on a very narrow drum, the diameter of the roll doesn't change a lot from empty to full (if you start with a decent hub diameter), the tape doesn't burn or melt easily (might be somewhat more sensitive to fire than a cable due to its thinness), is cheap, doesn't stretch, is reasonably safe (round sharp edges), and can have long flex life. You would have to worry about single point of failure with a tape, I guess you could use two tapes side by side on a double roller, it still wouldn't have to be very wide. ---------- Jerry Durand Durand Interstellar, Inc. 219 Oak Wood Way Los Gatos, California 95032-2523 USA tel: +1 408 356-3886 fax: +1 408 356-4659 web: pgp: 45A2 0A52 1D56 70C2 B865 9D5C 83F2 2112 04CE 2B54 ------------------------------ Subject: Re: movies of stage sets Message-ID: From: Marty_Petlock [at] Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 12:34:51 -0400 Re Pauls' message: From: Paul Puppo Subject: Re: plays as scenes in moviesPaul: Paul: Thanks for mentioning "Magic Flute" never caught enough to make sure it was Bergman before but I'll start looking for it now. I agree about "The Tall Guy", one of my favorites too. How did we all forget "Noises Off"? "To Be or Not to Be". Marty Petlock Technical Facilities Manager Van Wezel P.A.H. Sarasota, FL. ------------------------------ From: "MARK OBRIEN" Subject: Re: beating a dead winch... Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 09:41:50 -0700 Message-ID: It seems like this winch is starting to look like a horse designed by comitee, or the OSHA cowboy. Mark O'Brien >From: Jerry Durand >Reply-To: "Stagecraft" >To: "Stagecraft" >Subject: Re: beating a dead winch... >Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 09:24:46 -0700 > >For info, archives & UNSUBSCRIBE, see >--------------------------------------------------- > >One last (I hope) thought popped into my head on the narrow winch idea. >Use a stack-up pulley with a steel tape instead of the Kevlar tape (like a >big tape measure). Rolls up on a very narrow drum, the diameter of the >roll doesn't change a lot from empty to full (if you start with a decent >hub diameter), the tape doesn't burn or melt easily (might be somewhat more >sensitive to fire than a cable due to its thinness), is cheap, doesn't >stretch, is reasonably safe (round sharp edges), and can have long flex >life. You would have to worry about single point of failure with a tape, I >guess you could use two tapes side by side on a double roller, it still >wouldn't have to be very wide. > >---------- >Jerry Durand >Durand Interstellar, Inc. >219 Oak Wood Way >Los Gatos, California 95032-2523 USA >tel: +1 408 356-3886 >fax: +1 408 356-4659 >web: >pgp: 45A2 0A52 1D56 70C2 B865 9D5C 83F2 2112 04CE 2B54 > > _________________________________________________________________ Get tips for maintaining your PC, notebook accessories and reviews in Technology 101. ------------------------------ Message-ID: <008701c46a8e$0ee363a0$61b2a80c [at] 0016599365> From: "Robert G. Anderson" References: Subject: Re: movies of stage sets Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 12:06:21 -0500 I remember (though not in enough detail to come up with the actual movie title) a movie biography of Gilbert and Sullivan which included lots of shots of period sets for their operettas...'Zat count? Bob Anderson Starkville Community Theatre ------------------------------ Message-ID: <6728517EECE7D511981B00D0B78290310D5EFCFB [at]> From: Wood Chip-P26398 Subject: Re: movies w/ opera scenes Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 11:53:31 -0700 Virtually all of the Mario Lanza movies. ------------------------------ From: "Kevin Patrick" Subject: Stacker Lifts Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 15:43:41 -0400 In-Reply-To: Message-ID: If a pallet jack and a forklift had a baby, it would be a stacker lift. Has anyone had used these before? I have 10' storage and would like to put in three shelves of pallet-stored furniture, but I don't want my students driving around in forklifts. The stacker lift seems like a good solution. But I've never even heard of them until I was window shopping in the Grainger catalogue. Thanks for your wisdom, \< Kevin Patrick --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.719 / Virus Database: 475 - Release Date: 7/12/2004 ------------------------------ From: "Clare Adams" Subject: Re: Heat survey Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 14:01:03 -0600 Message-ID: In-Reply-To: Of these shops, how many are open in the > summer months? We operate in the summer. How hot and humid does it get in the shop during the peak > of summer heat? > Here in Santa Fe, we have very low humidity, but it can, and does get hot. Our hottest day so far this summer has been about 95 degrees. > Do any of you have AC or swamp coolers? Not in the scene shop, but we do on stage, where we do most of our work. Our shop is too small to completely build the sets in. > > Do you mainly do metal work, wood, or both? Mostly wood, but some metal. > > Do you have a dust collection system? Same as the others I've read: brooms and dustpans, except for our compound mitre box, which does have a collector attached. Best of luck on this! Clare Adams Lighting Designer/Technical Director Performing Arts Department College of Santa Fe 1600 St. Michael's Drive Santa Fe, NM 87505 505-473-6155 cadams [at] ------------------------------ From: Bsapsis [at] Message-ID: <9f.4a17b07e.2e283f9e [at]> Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 16:14:22 EDT Subject: Re: beating a dead winch... In a message dated 7/15/04 12:46:43 PM, omark4 [at] writes: << It seems like this winch is starting to look like a horse designed by comitee, or the OSHA cowboy. >> That may be, but that's the beauty of this list. We sit around and mess around with something like this and someday, just maybe, we actually come up with something really cool. In the meantime, it's fun to speculate, ya know? the thing I miss is the ability to sit around a bar with y'all and have a beer while we jawin' Bill S. Sapsis Rigging, Inc. 800.727.7471 800.292.3851 fax 267.278.4561 mobile We stand behind, and under, our work. ------------------------------ From: IAEG [at] Message-ID: Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 16:32:53 EDT Subject: Re: beating a dead winch... In a message dated 7/15/04 1:20:06 PM, Bsapsis [at] writes: << That may be, but that's the beauty of this list. We sit around and mess around with something like this and someday, just maybe, we actually come up with something really cool. In the meantime, it's fun to speculate, ya know? the thing I miss is the ability to sit around a bar with y'all and have a beer while we jawin' Bill S. >> hummmmmm could the list "collectively' patent something? maybe everyone who participates on the list should sign off on some sort of disclaimer saying that anything suggested on the list is "public domain" what would be the ramifications if we all collectively came up with a great idea and then someone "ran with it" into production? just thinking, , , , damn, , I really have better things to do, , very best, Keith Arsenault IAEG - International Arts & Entertainment Group Tampa, Florida ------------------------------ Subject: theater, opera, ballet in film Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 16:51:00 -0400 Message-ID: <28DE83D0E330374D9135EC927B2DF14C363DEE [at]> From: "Margaret Petrey" How about The Untouchables? Robert DeNiro as Al Capone at the opera -- = the clown's famous aria - name of which escapes me right now. When Sean = Connery's being stalked and shot at by the Mafioso. . .Pretty cool drop, = if I remember correctly. =20 Others, but not sure of scenic interest: =20 Pretty Woman - at the opera ("these are broken . . . mine are broken" - = can't figure out how to use the opera glasses.) =20 Also, lots of Gilbert & Sullivan pops up in film. Topsy Turvy - about = G&S. =20 An Affair to Remember - Deborah Kerr and Cary Grant at the theater - = after the accident.=20 =20 =20 -------------------------------- =20 Margaret Petrey Smith long-time lurker [who just figured out last week that I haven't gotten the digest in = about 2 months! umm . . .slightly busy at work. ;-) ] ------------------------------ Message-ID: <002501c46ac7$1b60ee70$6401a8c0 [at] cz1lbfinkbrlun> From: "Chad Croteau" References: Subject: Re: Stacker Lifts Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 19:54:45 -0400 Hello. One of the larger community theatre companies in my area has one of these machines for doing exactly what you want to do. They store their furniture and large props/set pieces (horse carriages, wagons, etc) in overhead storage and use a stacker lift to take them out of storage when necesary. It's a good deal because no one needs a forklift license to use it, it requires no power (uses a hand winch) and is very stable. They've even found alternate uses for it (such as melting a wicked witch...) This one goes a max. height of 10 feet. I don't know if there are any built higher, but there it is... Hope this helps, Chad ----- Original Message ----- From: "Kevin Patrick" To: "Stagecraft" Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 3:43 PM Subject: Stacker Lifts > For info, archives & UNSUBSCRIBE, see > --------------------------------------------------- > > If a pallet jack and a forklift had a baby, it would be a stacker lift. Has > anyone had used these before? I have 10' storage and would like to put in > three shelves of pallet-stored furniture, but I don't want my students > driving around in forklifts. The stacker lift seems like a good solution. > But I've never even heard of them until I was window shopping in the > Grainger catalogue. > > Thanks for your wisdom, > \< > Kevin Patrick > > > --- > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. > Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( > Version: 6.0.719 / Virus Database: 475 - Release Date: 7/12/2004 > > ------------------------------ End of Stagecraft Digest #72 ****************************