The World Trade Center
September 11, 2001
New York, NY
featuring Stagecraft member:
herrick hglightingdesign
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From: Herrick Goldman <Herrick HGLightingDesign >
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 15:36:09 -0400
To: Multiple recipients of stagecraft <stagecraft theatre.mtsu >
Subject: Re: OT (or maybe not) -I Love NYC!
Hey folks,
Checking in. I'm alive and well.
At the moment I'm on Smoke filled Houston St. In a cafe watching TV. I just saw an amazing sight, walking down the West Side Highway around Christopher St. you can hear applause and shouting. IT turns out there are hundreds of my fellow New Yorkers cheering for every vehicle heading south weather it's a dump truck or a fire truck they cheer and wave flags and signs saying "Thank You, you are our Heroes!"
I was able to see the entire tragedy unfold from the balcony of the gig I was on. We listened to the radio and watched from right after the first plane up until the second tower fell. IT was eerie because from 26th St. we couldn't hear any impacts or explosions it was like watching a silent movie.
As a long time EMT, I left our site and walked 3 blocks to Chelsea Piers where I saw ambulances staging. I thought I'd jump on a bus and go. After waiting for an hour with about 50 other off duty FDNY folks they directed us into a an empty and dark soundstage at the piers. (Law and Order shoots there) They told us we were going to set up an O.R. and Hospital. My first reaction was "man those 8 mercury vapors" ain't gonna do it. I had a whole lighting package 3 blocks away. SO I grabbed some guys and went back to my job site. After we got past an FBI checkpoint (post office across the St.) we got 5 2k fresnels and some distros and pushed hampers back to the pier. I walked up to the facilities guy to ask for an electrician when a guy appeared at my shoulder and said he was Local 52 and did I have a set of feeder with me? 5 minutes later we were up and running. More local 52 showed up and we pillaged the Law and Order lighting package as well. I've got pics if anyone wants them.
Special thanks to my client JKLD designs for giving me the OK to grab equipment without a moments hesitation.
I ended up working there as an EMT until about 9pm last night, dealing with coordination of volunteers. 300 doctors, nurses, and medics manned over 100 fully functional operating tables. Sadly they have only seen a handful of patients. Critical Incident Stress Debriefing was busier dealing with rescuers coming off shift.
It was incredible to see all the volunteers coming out of the woodwork willing to pitch in and do anything necessary. It makes me proud to be a citizen of this city and this country.
Best to all, I hope everyone is well.
Herrick Goldman
Lighting Designer, NYC
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